Mount-Everest-gain play
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I think all my readers should have anything from my journey. That's why I filled up 3 bottles with Mt.Everest-air. I carry 5 Everest-stones with me and something else.

So, I draw by lots:

- 1 or 2 bottles filled with Everest-air from 5200m altidute
- 2 or 3 stones from Mount Everest
- some tibetian souveneers
- and probably Chinese cigarettes and chewing rubbers
I try to get aroundabout 10 - 15 prices to give away

All you have to do to win one of the souveneers is to answer my question and send me a email.

The question is: Which height has the Mount Everest?

Write the correct answer in a sentence togetter with your name and country and send it as email to !

Headline is on October the 31rst 2001, 23:59:59 (MEZ)

Dashi Dalek (have luck)!
